Leadership For Public Purpose Classification

The seal of the Leadership For Public Purpose Classification

Leadership for Public Purpose Classification Frequently Asked Questions

Which institutions are eligible to apply?

To determine whether your institution is eligible to apply, visit the Institution Search page. Listed universities are eligible to apply for the Elective Classification for Leadership for Public Purpose.

Do branch campuses need to apply together or individually?

There are a number of institutions with multiple branch campuses under one Basic Classification. Branch campuses of institutions that have a Basic Classification are eligible to apply for separate classification if they have historically been an independent institution, have discrete local leadership, and have a distinct student body and community with which they partner. In these cases, please consult our updated policy.

How can we access the online application?

Access to the application will be available on GivePulse starting January 13, 2025. Institutional representatives will be prompted to select an application type (first-time or re-classification) before being directed to a payment page. After the payment is complete, an email receipt will be generated that includes a unique link to the classification framework application portal through which you will be able to save your progress as a draft and complete the application.

The application fee covers the costs of the classification administration and dataset maintenance.

After your institution has registered for the application, collaborators can access the application by following these instructions: 

  1. Log in to http://www.givepulse.com
  2. From the account navigation in the top right corner, select “My Activity” and then “Surveys.”
  3. Select “First-Time Classification” or “Re-Classification: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching,” depending on your institution’s application status
  4. Within the application, select the tab called “Collaborators”. Use this section to add the names and email addresses of the individuals who will prepare the application. Added collaborators can access the application by completing steps one through three.

Can institutions apply for a fee waiver?

The classification is intended to invite wide participation and no college or university will be excluded from participating due to an inability to cover the application fee. If your institution is interested in requesting a waiver, please email Carla Ortega Santori at Carla.Ortega.Santori@rice.edu.

Is there a deadline to access the online application?

Applications for the 2027 cycle must be initiated by September 9, 2025.

Are web links (URLs) permitted in responses to application questions?

Web links will not be accepted as valid supporting documentation—reviewers will not be able to open links included in the application. Instead applicants should copy and paste text to include relevant information as part of application responses.

Does the documentation framework list all of the questions that appear in the official online application?

Yes. The documentation framework includes a list of all questions that appear in the application. There is also an accompanying guide with thorough descriptions of the purpose of certain questions and the type of information that is expected in applicants’ responses. It is strongly recommended that institutions use this framework when collecting data and drafting responses to the application questions. Transferring responses from the framework to the online application should be the last step in the process prior to submitting the application.

Can applicants click through the pages of their institution’s online application to review all of the questions?

Yes. Applicants can view the application sections, finish parts of the applications, save drafts, and come back to it later as needed.

Can applicants save their institution’s unfinished online application and return to it at a later time?

Yes. Applicants must created an account on GivePulse to save drafts of the online application and then to edit or continue at a later time. You will need to log in to retain access to the online application and save it in draft mode. As a GivePulse user, your role as a collaborator on the platform will allow you to see that the application is automatically saving your work as you go. If you forget your password, you can easily reset it.

Who should be responsible for submitting the online application?

Though the process of compiling responses to the application questions will likely involve many individuals from the applicant institution, it is strongly recommended that only one person be responsible for filling out and submitting the online application itself. Collaborators can be granted access to the application under the “Collaborators” tab. However, the individual listed in the “Applicant’s Contact Information” section of the application should be the same individual who submits the application.

Are application responses limited to a certain number of words?

Yes. Application responses may not exceed 500 words, and the text boxes will not allow for more than the word limit. If a response provided by an applicant exceeds the word limit, the online application software will only submit the maximum number of allowed words, resulting in an incomplete response. You will find a word counter calculator under each text box in the online framework.

Are paragraph divisions (i.e., hard returns) counted as words in the online application?

No. Paragraph marks in a response are not treated as words in the word count limit.

Can applicants include formatted text in response boxes on the application?

The response boxes in the application only accept unformatted text (i.e., no font enhancements, such as bolding, italicizing, or underlining, and no tables). In addition, the response boxes do not allow embedded hyperlinks.  

How are applications reviewed?

Multiple reviewers will evaluate each application in its entirety. Reviewers will be selected and trained rigorously to effectively evaluate all the evidence provided by institutions. Reviewers will need to reach a consensus on each applicant institution to determine if it will receive the classification. If a consensus is not reached, members of the National Review Board will evaluate and deliberate.

Are applicants required to answer all questions on the application?

It is not advisable to leave any sections blank. If you cannot respond by substantiating your institution’s efforts, explain why the evidence does not exist and what the campus is doing to be able to demonstrate change in the future.

Whom should applicants contact for technical or content-related questions about the Elective Classification for Leadership for Public Purpose application?

For general inquiries regarding the application process, assistance with technical issues, or guidance related to application content, please contact Carla Ortega Santori at Carla.Ortega.Santori@rice.edu.

Whom should applicants contact to receive the link to the online application?

The online form through GivePulse is the only way to submit your institution’s classification application responses.

After your institution has registered for the application, your collaborators can access the application by following these instructions: 

  1. Log in to http://www.givepulse.com
  2. From the account navigation in the top right corner, select “My Activity” and then “Surveys”
  3. Select “First-Time Classification” or “Re-classification: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching” depending on your institution’s application status.
  4. Within the application, select tab called “Collaborators”. Use this section to add the names and email addresses of the individuals who will prepare the application. Added collaborators can access the application by completing steps one through three.

What is your refund policy?

Campuses that wish to withdraw their participation in the 2027 process must submit a refund request by November 15, 2025.  No refunds will be processed after November 15, 2025. To request a refund, please send an email to Carla Ortega Santori at Carla.Ortega.Santori@rice.edu

When is the 2027 Elective Classification for Leadership for Public Purpose Classification application due?

The deadline for submitting the application is April 10, 2026.

When will the results of the 2027 application process be announced? The results of the 2027 Elective Classification for Leadership for Public Purpose application process will be announced in January 2027. Only those institutions that receive the classification will be announced. Institutions that are not classified during this cycle will be notified privately.