Search Tips
The search function retrieves all entries whose names contain the exact text entered in the box, including spaces and punctuation. Search is not case-sensitive. Institution names in the database are exactly as they appear in the IPEDS database, however, certain aliases and short forms (e.g., UCLA, UVA) may work as search text.
Institution | Location | Control |
Agnes Scott College | Decatur, GA | Private not-for-profit |
Allegheny College | Meadville, PA | Private not-for-profit |
American Musical and Dramatic Academy | New York, NY | Private not-for-profit |
Amherst College | Amherst, MA | Private not-for-profit |
Antioch College | Yellow Springs, OH | Private not-for-profit |
Antioch University-Seattle | Seattle, WA | Private not-for-profit |
Bais HaMedrash and Mesivta of Baltimore | Baltimore, MD | Private not-for-profit |
Bais Medrash Elyon | Monsey, NY | Private not-for-profit |
Bais Medrash Mayan Hatorah | Lakewood, NJ | Private not-for-profit |
Bais Medrash of Dexter Park | Chestnut Ridge, NY | Private not-for-profit |
Bais Medrash Toras Chesed | Lakewood, NJ | Private not-for-profit |
Barnard College | New York, NY | Private not-for-profit |
Bates College | Lewiston, ME | Private not-for-profit |
Be’er Yaakov Talmudic Seminary | Spring Valley, NY | Private not-for-profit |
Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid | Far Rockaway, NY | Private not-for-profit |
Beloit College | Beloit, WI | Private not-for-profit |
Bet Medrash Gadol Ateret Torah | Brooklyn, NY | Private not-for-profit |
Beth Medrash Meor Yitzchok | Monsey, NY | Private not-for-profit |
Beth Medrash of Asbury Park | Lakewood, NJ | Private not-for-profit |
Bowdoin College | Brunswick, ME | Private not-for-profit |
California College of ASU | Tarzana, CA | Private not-for-profit |
California Jazz Conservatory | Berkeley, CA | Private not-for-profit |
Carleton College | Northfield, MN | Private not-for-profit |
Central Yeshiva Beth Joseph | Brooklyn, NY | Private not-for-profit |
Centre College | Danville, KY | Private not-for-profit |