Centering Students in Our Draft Framework for the Carnegie Social and Economic Mobility Classification
Life-saving research. World-shaping cultural exchange. A shared sense of civic participation. Creating pathways for adults to gain new skills. Equipping local employers with a ready workforce. The contributions colleges and universities make to American life are as varied as the institutions themselves. But from the smallest community college to the largest public university, one shared mission stands above the rest: particularly …
How Carnegie Classification Updates Could Affect State Higher Education Policy
By: Mushtaq Gunja and Sara Gast This piece originally posted on Education Commission of the States on January 27, 2024. Since 1973, the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education has served as the predominant framework to classify American colleges and universities. It was originally created for researchers as a way of organizing the higher education sector, but since the release over 50 …
Changes to the Next Iteration of the Carnegie Classifications: We Want Your Feedback
by Mushtaq Gunja and Sara Gast Today, the American Council on Education and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching announced that the 2025 Carnegie Classifications will include a new Basic Classification that will organize institutions based on multidimensional categories that reflect a variety of characteristics about today’s colleges and universities. While this is an exciting development in our work …
Reflections on a Year Studying Carnegie’s Basic Classification and a Look Ahead
By Mushtaq Gunja and Sara Gast As the work continues to modernize and reimagine the Carnegie Classifications, we want to share insights we have gained as we look toward the release by early 2025 of a new set of classifications that will include a new research classification methodology. The Carnegie Classifications were created to be a tool to organize the diverse …
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